Monday, June 15, 2020

Progress I

Well the rains have come....

I've had to turn the auto-watering device off today.

There has been progress with the plants.   I've been weeding and so far it's not too bad.   It looks much worse in the last photo than what it actually is.   I started weeding from the back of the garden moving forward and I haven't been able to finish the thinning of some of the rows.   I continue to do lots of weeding but there are lots of thistles and quack grass no matter how much I am after they come up faster than I can more or less keep up with.   If I just hoe them over, they are like hydra and just spread.

On a really good note, the dandelions are no longer growing in my front or back yard.

Here is the progress so far in the last month of the garden:

May 15

May 17

May 24

May 27
June 6

June 14

Monday, June 1, 2020

First Iris bloom of the year

I adore irises.   

The first of my irises bloomed Friday/Saturday.   This particular iris had not bloomed last year when I purchased it but this year it is nicely blooming.     I need to weed that flower bed, but that may happen this week.   I have sprayed on the path beside and the weeds and quack grass was dying back.   

Iris - "Cherry Blossom"

On Saturday, I had a nice chat with my lovely neighbour a few houses down and she has a similar type of primula but the flowers are purple and white and we will be exchanging some plants.    She also would like to get rid of some of her ferns so I may take one or two.

The Old Yellow Dusty Miller primula that I have is doing exceptionally well this year as are all my other flowers with the exception of the tulips.

Primula update

Here is another photo of the same Iris on Sunday.    Irises are short blooming flowers.

Cherry Blossom 2

Also here is a photo of some of the first budding veggies in my garden.

Veggies Sprouting