Monday, May 16, 2022

All but the cukes

Everything is planted in my garden ... except for the cucumbers.   I'll do that this week.   This year I read that cucumber seeds need to be sown when it is at least 18 to 20 C for them to properly germinate. 

Yesterday I planted the rest of my tomatoes and took the bag off of the one that I put out a little over a week ago, they look a little anemic but are still ok.  The rest look ok.   It is now around 20 and hopefully, it stays around this temperature or a little warmer for the rest of the spring.

The one thing I learned is that I can water my berries and tomatoes with the whey from making yogurt.   I did have some whey from the 10 days ago and then I made yogurt yesterday so I had  about 1.5 liters of whey.   I put it in my watering can and watered my blueberries, strawberries, and tomatoes.   I tried it on my tomato seedlings when they were inside and they really liked it but I only did it once because the bacteria starts growing on the peat pots.  

Garden almost fully in and watered.

 Of course, I need to fix that bench and the lattice at the beginning of the garden.   In time I guess.  What needs to be fixed first is a piece of fence at the back of the garden as I don't need anyone raiding my garden.

What I have enjoyed are the tulips I planted last fall.    It was a bag of assorted tulips bought at Costco. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022


On May 5th I planted a row of red onions and put the trellises up for the peas.   I always soak the peas for 24 hours before planting them.   Tomorrow I will plant some green arrow peas and some edible snow peas and probably the rest of the tomato plants but I'll make sure I have them covered with plastic bags like the one in my garden now. I'll likely also plant some radishes.   I'd like to get the garden in by the end of the weekend.    Although the 7-day forecast says it's going to dip below 0 next week at night I don't think that will happen.

It might be time to put out a few of the gnomes but I think before I do that I will need to fix my fence as a section towards the back that you cannot see is falling apart.  Hopefully, in a couple years I can replace the fence.   If I win the lotto jackpot, it would be this year.  LOL

Trellises for peas