this will be unusual - two posts in one day.
I'll be heading off to the store soon. but since my last post I've mowed my front lawn and sprayed it with a dandelion killer. It's very diluted so I think I need to buy one of those dandelion bars and it turns out that they have them at Canadian Tire for $30 each I hate the smell but I need to do this each time I mow the lawn which is about every 10 - 14 days..
I've so had it with picking those *#^*&ing dandelions tops (blooms and buds). This year only a few have gone to seed but I was able to pick those off before they spread. That is how on top of it I am in the front yard. The back yard is a different story...
After shopping I will clean up the back yard and mow. or at least move a lot of the stuff around and mow. It's a forest of dandelions but they have yet to go to seed - just a carpet of green and yellow interspersed with a variety of junk that I must clean up.
I am just cooling down before I go to the store. My face is crimson from wearing a mask and mowing the lawn and spraying it. Between allergies and chemical sensitivities, the N95 does a pretty good job to keep me going after any yard work. I don't know if I will be able to even find them anymore of these masks with COVID, but I still have enough left at the moment. Cloth masks won't work because I really need that high micron filter when mowing or using chemicals. What I have been doing with the masks when they are in reasonable condition is I spray them with Hydrogen Peroxide and hang them up for a week. Where possible I put them out in the sun when there is not a lot of chemicals in the air.
I have this gorgeous smelling facial wash. It is fragranced with Vanilla & Clementine. I think I need to find perfume with this scent mixture. So strange that I can wear perfume and really enjoy most of them but not be around most chemicals. The only perfume I can't tolerate is hibiscus and patchouli. Patchouli is so strong if someone is wearing a lot of it I start choking - interestingly if you smell patchouli within a couple to three months of picking it is gorgeous but most put it in some sort of oil and it turns into a completely different fragrance. Hibiscus I'm just allergic to and generally start to sneeze or get headaches. My poor daughter can't be around most perfumes so I always need to be aware like yesterday when I was at work and brought her some lotions that I don't wear any scents.
Today also is Kombucha Day. Every couple of weeks I make kombucha. I think I've made it a bit too sweet. I like things sweet but this is almost like lemonade and because I changed sugars but it doesn't go with the right bit of sour/bitter that Kombucha has, I think I need to use much less.
I'll have a quick late lunch and then I'll be off to the store to miss the main rush. Hopefully there will be enough WeedEx dandelion bars left. I will buy Scotts stuff but not Monsanto. Monsanto is not a company I feel good about in any sense of the word since they have sued Canadian farmers when their proprietary crops end up cross pollinating with other people's crops and when the farmer uses some of his own seed for next years crops Mosntanto sues the farmer for their proprietary gmo - through no fault of their own. It is absolutely disgusting!