Thursday, April 28, 2022

And so it begins...

Spring is here and it's time to start to prepare the organic garden.

Last year, I didn't tear up the grass that accumulated at the side of the garden where I normally step.   So on April 24th for a few hours, on hands and knees I was able to pull out all of the grass that grew.  I had to pull the roots.  It all fit along with raking half of my front lawn fit into my  garden waste bin but hopefully it is not too much.   I still need to rake the boulevard but that will be for next week's garbage pickup.

First weeding of the year  Red area which is about 12'
Weeding   - This was about 12' of grass that I was able to take out.


So with the first weeding completed, I knew that I can likely start to rototill in the next few days, almost three weeks early.    To that end I picked up a large bail of peat moss and three bags of cow and sheep manure.

I noticed that my garlic is already sprouted 
I love how this comes back annually if I leave a bit in the ground

Also today I took a photo of the flowerbed that is sprouting, tulips, peonies, irises, and lillies.  Tulips should be blooming within the next week but I had planted a variety pack.   It looks a little odd as some are already popping up before others.  I did a solid block of tulips and with a few spares I put them by the lillies and peonies.  It just looks very odd.  I don't know if I will do a variety pack again as I think they definitely come up and bloom at different times.  I guess I will see what will happen.

Tulips, Peony in the red circles, Irises in the purple circles and Lilies in the yellow circles
Back Flower Bed
Peonies = red circles
Irises = purple circles
Lilies = yellow circles

I do have other flowers coming up but not really much to see yet.

Two days ago I had planted some hollyhocks, poppies and bluebells.   We'll see if any of them come up.

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