Sunday, May 17, 2020

Plan B

I use this garden planner.    I like it as it lets me plan my garden quicker than going through all my gardening books as it shows companion planting and a variety of other items.   Here is my plan.....  (Obviously I didn't put in the right location as I don't want people seeing exactly where my garden is. 😊)

I changed some things from my original plan (so this is Plan B) because I decided not to go with onions and potatoes.  As much as I like them onions never do very well in my garden.  Although potatoes do 'ok', it's just too much work for the amount of potatoes that I end up eating.  I may try planting a sweet potato and cut it into 4.  I should have made slips earlier in the year but they will likely take and if not it's only one sweet potato.   

Today I planted peas, radishes carrots, beets, and tomatoes.   I put in the rest of the stakes with mason's cord because it was easier than kneeling and planting the beans.   I had extra peas so I planted them along the fence.  I also bought two more tomatoes and planted them as well as put the one board missing from the fence (on the right) but you'll see that photo tomorrow.   

I hoped to get this done by the end of the weekend and I think I'm on target to do that although my lower back may disagree.

May 17, stakes with mason twine 

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