Saturday, May 16, 2020

Sow it goes....

Sleeping in didn't happen today, so I was out in the garden by 8:30 (AM!!!!).    This is rather remarkable, unless I am on vacation somewhere and need to get to somewhere for an excursion I sleep in on Saturdays.  I guess I'm excited to get my garden planted.
I'm working from the back of the garden to the front entry way.  I started by planting courgettes (zucchini) beside the garlic that I planted last year and didn't do so great but garlic is one of those things you need to plant in fall for a good harvest the following year.   I have to tend to my raspberries and tie them up but once I'm done planting, that will be an easier job.  It doesn't look like much but there are mounds there where the green, yellow and butternut/winter squash are planted.

Courgette mounds beside garlic row

Then another more difficult job in the garden is constructing my cucumber trellis.   It's easy when you have two people but with one, the galvanized steel is a little unwieldy.   The trellis took time because I wanted it to be very sturdy.   I was more patient than usual as I really didn't feel rushed.   I sowed an Italian variety that looks like English cucumbers and then I had a mini cucumber plant that I picked up and planted that and the end of the row.   Towards the end at the fence (yes it needs to be replaced), I planted some lemon thyme.

Cucumber Trellis

I sowed some kohl rabi which I really like fresh and then at the end of the row at the fence I planted two strawberry plants.  The string is the row marker for the kohl rabi.  I always use stakes and the bricklayer's twine to mark where my rows are as it really helps when I hoe when the weeds start growing.    
The pea trellis is up and that's about it for today as the peas need to soak overnight.  I put one of my gnomes (of which I have several).    You can see some lovae and then where the two tomato cages are there are blueberry bushes.   I need to put some sulfur down as that will take the pH down a bit as they like a lower pH.   

Pea Trellis beside Kohl Rabi row

The garden is watered and also I mowed my front lawn.  

Watering the newly sown seeds and plants

I dug out my knee pads but I wasn't as much on my knees today - that will happen with the rest of the garden.    

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