Waking up to snow Friday May 22nd was not a happy moment. I had to run out to ensure I got the garbage but then I had to cover my tomatoes with some sort of covering. I improvised with clear plastic garbage bags that you use for leaves in the fall. Worked ok as all my tomatoes looked like they survived.
With the barometric changes from low pressure systems to high - well, I spent most of the weekend in bed nursing a migraine. By the time I got outside on Sunday, I saw a field of yellow in my front yard. It's probably the same behind my garage which I will need to clean tomorrow. I pick off all the dandelion blooms and buds so they can't spread anywhere or reseed themselves on my lawn. I can't spray the lawn until it has been dry enough for at least a few days as I can't use full strength broadleaf chemical spray as the smell is too strong. Dut during the picking of the dandelions on Sunday, I found a robin's egg. I'm surprised it survived the fall from the tree above which is at least 2.5 storeys. But it's been out of the nest so long that it's likely dead.
Robin egg in the grass
My flowers are blooming better than other years. Here are a few at blooms... with all the dandelions and so much gardening all at once I hadn't had the chance to weed the flowerbed yet....
Pulmonaria 'Sissinghurst white' - aka lungwort
Auricula Old Yellow Dusty Miller - aka primula
Heartleaf Bergenia - aka elephant ears
The one lovely thing was today some of my garden is sprouting. I was able to see that the Kohl rabi, raddishes and lettuce are sprouting I didn't expect it quite this soon. I was more concerned with all the rain things would take much longer with teh soil being water logged. I've turned my auto-watering device off due to the soil being so wet. It looks like it might rain tomorrow......
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